Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mutt Mama

I was going to start a new blog. Even wrote the first two posts, so I guess I did start the new blog. However, after sleeping on it, I decided that I didn't like the name so much. But I do like All is Full of Love, and my reasons for starting Mutt Mama and All is Full of Love are pretty similar... love and sharing. So, I'm reopening All is Full of Love.

Curious about those initial posts on Mutt Mama? Well, here's the first one.

Hello and welcome to my new blog, Mutt Mama. If you're a reader of my old blog, Hybrid Hopes, don't worry, I'll keep that one up. I'll just be focusing THIS one on my trials and experiments in motherhood.

New role, new blog.

Maybe even a disciplined blog. I'll have a certain amount of extra time for a while, after the baby's born. I hear you all tsking under your breath. Some of you. I work 70 hours a week, every other week, so historically my blog gets ignored for 50% of the year. So yeah, I'm serious. Just like I know the tasks of motherhood are serious. And time consuming.

I just want you, dear internet, to know I plan on being around more.

And have more tutorials.